Here's another! Thanks Terry. This one is actually Korean, who are no slouches when it comes to inventive snack options. If you look closely you'll see a character attacking the snack with a hammer. This is a hint. This treat takes a little work.

First off, Beef Flavor!

It took me a couple of minutes to get the hermetically sealed bag open. You need to keep the bag intact as there are two steps to preparing this baby. First off, they appear to be nothing but dry ramen noodles.

Next, a flavor pouch that exactly resembles the flavor packet of a ramen soup mix....

The pidgen English instructions told me to put the noodles in the bag, add the seasoning packet, shake, and break the noodles into bite-sized pieces.

The results? Well, if I didn't know any better, and I don't, I'd say this company just repackages their ramen noodles as snack packets. The noodles were very, very brittle and a bunch of little bits ended up on the floor. The flavoring tastes uncannily like the flavor packet from a ramen soup bag sprinkled over the uncooked noodles......Not bad. Pretty salty. Strangeness factor: 6.
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