Love my Harris Teeter. They have a great seafood department. Sadly, the mahi mahi usually doesn't look all that great. The other day, however, it did. Nice, bright, clean filets. Oh yeah, they were on sale too!

Geez, I cooked these a couple of weeks ago and I have already forgotten the recipe. I got it off the Food Network site. If I don't feel like printing out the recipe, I simply pull it up on the Dell Mini and put it on the counter.

Hmmm...... I know there was garlic, white wine and lemon involved.

Here they are browning in the pan. Unfortunately, when they were done and plated and tantalizing instead of reaching for the camera I went straight for the fork.

They looked good though, I can vouch for that. Golden, crispy crust. Oh, and delicious. That's some good fish. I caught a bunch of mahi (formerly known as dolphin) down in the keys years ago. It was a blast. We spotted a school underneath a mat of seaweed. Our guide could see them racing out to the lure we were trolling. Right on cue one hit and we were off. The technique is to always keep one fish on the line while you cast for the others. There are a couple of theories as to why the fish will stick around their ensnared buddy. One is that the smell of blood coming from the hooked fish keeps them around. The other is that the hooked fish's behavior excites them. At any rate, we kept one in the water the whole time and limited out in no time. They were fun to catch, beautiful to look at and awesome on the plate.
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