Man O' War jellyfish on the beach in Fort Lauderdale. I got a single strand of one of these babies across my leg years ago in Miami and it felt like a red hot piece of wire. These guys regularly send people to the hospital. Pretty color though.

Mynah birds begging at the Checkers hamburger joint. They're originally from south Asia. They're better talkers than gray parrots but since they're kind of dull looking not many people keep them as pets. My aunt Mickey had one when we were little kids. His name was Dagwood and he could talk, imitate sounds from around the house, whistle, etc. One day he got out of his cage and flew out an open window. Big mistake. They lived in Rhode Island.

Shot from the 8th floor of my office building. I used the tilt shift app on my iPhone and made it look like a toy. I swear, that's not a model.

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