In an earlier post (click
here) about the Maruichi Market I showed the Japanese curry mixes. Curry from Japan is a bit different from curry from India. It is a bit sweeter and, well, savory. It is very popular in Japan and I, rather sheepishly, have to admit I had never tried it. That changed last week. Finally got new batteries for my camera so the story can be told......

I chose medium hot, see blurry photos below, and, to be honest, it wasn't hot at all.

I had given the ingredients a cursory review and thought I only needed a pound of beef. Got home and realized I need two....quick trip to the grocery store. I used a pound of chuck and a pound of sirloin tip, I think.

Cubed and ready to be browned.

Here's where the phone died. iPhone photos from here on out. Peas were my little tweak on this recipe.

Okay, following the directions on the back (natch), the recipe called for six, yes six, cups of water! I soon discovered that I could have made only half this much and still would have enough curry for a week. Below you will see that there are two containers for the curry base. For some reason, the manufacturers want you to burn through both packages the first time you make this as I can't see anyone ever making the full, double barrel recipe again.

The curry base looked a lot like, no, exactly like milk chocolate.

Browning the beef and the veg........

Below, the finished curry presented with a big side of basmati rice. Compare to the cover. Pretty close, huh? At any rate, this stuff rocked. Next time I'm getting the hot though....good, good, good. Highly recommend.