We had the fourth largest snowfall on record yesterday. Obligatory cliched photos of the snow below. The first is the walkway to my condo last night just after the snow stopped.

We got 30 inches. Um, that's about 75 centimeters.

I left my car in the parking lot down the hill. The plow guys skillfully plowed around it. When I was digging it out today a guy from the restaurant that it was parked in front of came out and took my picture with his cell phone. I turned around in time to see him lowering his phone and turning around and walking away. He looked annoyed...... Maybe they want that space clear for the hundreds of people who are going to show up for their Super Bowl party tonight (not).

So I was digging it out a little while ago and a guy who looked like
Ben Vareen came running over to me and told me to just back it out. He lived in North Dakota for five years and prided himself on his snow skills. He was really friendly and insisted he was not going anywhere until I got that car out of that snow so I had to go back up to the condo and retrieve my key.

Sure enough, when I returned he was still there. He even helped me scrape my windows. I got the car out and shook his hand, "Thanks so much. I'm Kevin." He replied, "Penter". "Peter?" I said. "No, Peanut. When you say your prayers tonight say a prayer for Peanut! I'm your angel!" At that he got in his car and waved and drove off. I then hiked back up the hill and dug out my elderly neighbor lady's car.

There's a bushel basket under there......

It used to contain these......

View out the living room window, through the fence, down to the golf course.

Here's to the Blizzard of '10! (And yes, I know, a blizzard is about blowing snow not snow depth, it just sounds good).