In an earlier
post I spoke about how October is a summer month around here. I'm eating a little crow at the moment as I sit in a darkened room looking out at a wooly, overcast sky, shivering in the 42 degree cold. This is the third straight day of this and it's gonna stick around all weekend. The good weather's gonna roll in on Monday. The cavalry arriving a day too late. I was gonna move furniture today but the rain was too heavy so, instead, I met my brother-in-law Roger up at the Viet Namese place for another bowl of pho. They have a case on the front counter that sells already cooked spring rolls, dumplings, and a bunch of stuff neither Roger nor I could figure out.

These were the things that got us scratching our heads.

And these.....

Obligatory shot of the pho. I got chicken again. I'm really a creature of habit and I'm trying to change that. Next time it's beef pho....

Obligatory shot of the sprouts, cilantro, and lime.

Couldn't resist these, of course. Despite the winteryness of the day, for 45 minutes Roger and I were in a bustling little restaurant in Saigon, sweating over bowls of pho.
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